Neuropsychological and Psychological Evaluations

Neuropsychological/Psychological evaluations are conducted through a combination of standardized tests, clinical interviews, self-report measures, and observations. The assessment process is individualized, with tests selected based on the individual's presenting concerns, medical history, and referral questions. The results of these assessments provide valuable information for clinicians, patients, families, and others involved in the individual's care.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Initial Intake
  • 60 minute session

  • Intake clinician gathers relevant information about the individual's symptoms, medical and developmental history, presenting concerns, purpose for psychological evaluation, as well as cognitive, academic, or occupational functioning

Neuropsychological/Psychological Evaluation Process:
  • Testing itself ranges from 1 to 6 hours (testing can be completed over a period of two days as needed)

  • To evaluate cognitive functioning, personality, emotional well-being, mental health diagnoses and behavioral concerns

Feedback Session
  • Psychologist provides a comprehensive summary of assessment, discussing diagnostic considerations, and strategies for addressing any difficulties.

  • If requested by the client, information can be provided to relevant parties, such as primary care physician, schools, etc.

Treatment Recommendation Follow-up

  • Client will meet with initial intake clinician to further go over report findings and discuss next steps in recommendations and treatment planning. Completed reports will be sent out to clients 2-3 weeks after this final meeting.