ADHD Assessment

Headspace Counseling Services is the only provider in the Greater Lansing/Mid-Michigan area offering comprehensive Attention deficit/Hyperactivity Assessment for children and adults - via Telehealth/remote/virtual and in-office.

The test, created by the global leader in ADHD testing, Qbtech, is the first FDA-cleared solution to aid clinicians when diagnosing and treating ADHD in children, adolescents and adults.

What is ADHD?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a very common neurological disorder which affects 3-7% of all school aged children. It is a disorder where 30-50% of these children continue to have symptoms into adulthood.

How is ADHD diagnosed?
A diagnostic assessment for ADHD involves three main parts: gathering a clinical history through an interview with your provider, an objective measurement of symptoms using QbTest, and the completion of one or more rating scales.

What is QbTest?
QbTest is an FDA-cleared test measuring all 3 core symptom domains; hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.
QbTest is used when evaluating ADHD symptoms and measuring response to ADHD treatment.
QbTest involves a 15 or 20-minute computer-based task that measures your (or your child’s) ability to maintain attention and impulse control. Meanwhile, an infrared camera tracks movements, and therefore activity, during the test. The results are based on a comparison of your (or your child’s) performance with data from other people of the same sex and age who do not have ADHD.

What does the test setup look like?
The test equipment consists of an infrared camera, a headband with an infrared marker attached to it, a laptop, and a responder button, like so:

What do QbTest results look like?

Sample QbTest report ------------------------>>

When will I receive my results?
The raw data is available immediately after the test is completed. However, a detailed report will be available in 1-2 weeks following the test - as raw data is interpreted along with other relevant information.

ADHD Assessment


Common symptoms for adults include:

· Problems with organization and planning

· Difficulty paying attention

· Difficulty initiating and completing tasks

· Misplacing or losing items

Common symptoms for adolescents include:

· Having difficulty maintain focus on one task

· Not seeming to listen when spoken to

· Struggling to follow instructions

· Forgetting to bring home or turn in assignments

· Difficulty engaging in quiet activities

Sample QbTest Report
Sample QbTest Report

How should I prepare for a QbTest?

  • Try to ensure adequate sleep the night before the test.

  • Avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine the day of the test.

  • If you are to be tested while on ADHD medication, please ensure that you take the medication as directed. Our office will schedule the test a specific number of hours after the medication is taken, depending on the type of medication.

  • For a child, explain that they will be taking a test on a computer which is designed to be boring. Inform the child that they will wear a headband during the test, but that it does not hurt. They will be seated in a room by themselves, but a family member can stand outside if helpful.

How often will I take a QbTest?

Testing is typically completed in the following frequency:

How much does the QbTest cost?

With Private Pay, the fees are as follows:

First-time QbTest and Report: $250
Subsequent QbTests during treatment: $150

Please Note: We do accept all major insurances. For additional information and assistance, please contact us.